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Writer's pictureMadalena Cardoso

HACCP reviews: frequency, process & responsibilities

Updated: Jun 13, 2022

Your HACCP plan should be a true reflection of reality. For that reason, it should be frequently reviewed and updated.

If any areas of your business have changed– and they can potentially impact food safety (e.g., recipes) – they need to be appropriately considered and addressed.

Your HACCP documentation is the foundation of your food safety practices. It describes all the steps you’re taking to effectively identify, prevent and eliminate hazards within your establishment.

> Reviewing your HACCP on a regular basis allows you to check if it’s still fit for purpose.

In this article, we discuss how often you should review your food safety documentation, what factors to consider, and how it affects your hygiene rating.

When should you review your HACCP?

Your HACCP plan is a working document and therefore needs to evolve with your business, whether you run a restaurant, pub or coffee shop.

For instance, if you’re going to start using a sous vide cooking technique in your restaurant, you must add the appropriate safety methods for this high-risk method in your HACCP.

Reviewing your HACCP is key to ensuring that all your documentation is up to date and accurately reflects your operations.

Did you know? If you’re SALSA certified, you must complete a review of your HACCP system “at least annually, or when any new practices, processes or product changes are introduced”. This is to ensure that your practices remain up to standard and that any changes that take place are monitored and controlled.

In summary, you should conduct a HACCP review when the following occurs:

· Change in the product or recipes

· Change in cooking techniques

· Food-related incident (e.g., case of food poisoning)

· Customer complaints

· Changes in legislation (e.g. when Natasha’s Law was introduced in 2021)

· New information on existing or new hazards

You should review everything annually as something is likely to have changed within your business that needs addressing.

How to review your HACPP plan

Whilst your HACCP plan is no Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, it certainly also falls under the must-read category.

Indeed, you should aim to read your documentation at least once a year. Not only is this a great training exercise, but it also helps you to quickly identify anything that may need changing.

If you’re unsure how to begin the review process, think about all the things that have changed since you last read your documentation.

For example, has your restaurant introduced oysters or other molluscs in the menu? Have you changed your colour-coded hygiene system? If so, then it’s time for a review.

It’s easier to update your HACCP if it’s in a digital format. This way, there are no unnecessary printing costs involved or wasted paper. If you’re using the food safety app Hubl, you can quickly access your document and get changes made with the help of compliance experts.

Remember – no HACCP looks the same, but they should all cover key sections such as cleaning, cross-contamination, cooking, chilling, high-risk methods, and management / monitoring.

Once you’ve reviewed and updated your food safety systems, you need to make sure that your staff are informed of any changes and receive appropriate training.

What about food hygiene ratings?

Keeping organised, up-to-date documentation is essential to achieving a 5-star food hygiene rating.

When EHOs pay a visit to your restaurant or coffee shop, they want to see that you can manage food safety with confidence. This means they’ll want to look at your food safety management system and all your due diligence checks.

If your HACCP doesn’t accurately reflect your operations, your score will be affected.

Upholding high hygiene and record-keeping standards is in everyone’s interest. Not only does it protect consumers and ensures that food is safe to eat, but it also protects your business reputation.


Here at Hubl, we love talking about all things food & drink. Whether you’re researching the latest hospitality trends or looking for ways to make your restaurant more sustainable, we’ve got you covered.


Manual for Official Controls | Amendment 84; Chapter 4.2 HACCP Based

Procedures; Food Standards Agency; Accessed in June 2022

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP); Food Standards Agency; Accessed in June 2022


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